Kristian Elersič

Kristian Elersič

Departement of Psychology
University of Ljubljana
Aškerčeva 2, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija
Phone: +386 1 241 1174


2020–present: PhD in Biomedicine (Neuroscience), Faculty of Medicine, University of Ljubljana

2017–2020: MSc in Molecular and Functional Biology, Biotechnical Faculty, University of Ljubljana

2014–2017: BSc in Biology, Biotechnical Faculty, University of Ljubljana

Work Experience

2020–2024: Researcher, Brain Research Laboratory, Institute of Pathophysiology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Ljubljana

Membership in Professional Organizations

  • SiNAPSA, Slovenian Neuroscience Association
  • Federation of European Neuroscience Associations, FENS

Scientific Publications

  • Elersič, K., Banjac, A., Živin, M., & Zorović, M. (2024). Behavioral sensitization and tolerance induced by repeated treatment with ketamine enantiomers in male Wistar rats. PloS one19(3), e0299379.
  • Oblak, A., Korošec Hudnik, L., Levačić, A., Elersič, K., Pregelj, P., & Bon, J. (2024). Salience, sensemaking, and setting in psilocybin microdosing: Methodological lessons and preliminary findings of a mixed method qualitative study. Philosophical Psychology, 1–27.
  • Trčak, A., Tominc, K., Leben, K., ELERSIČ, K., Prezelj, T., Javornik, T. Vpliv efektivnih mikroorganizmov (Mikronatura) na privzem Hg pri sončnici (Helianthus annuus). Collectanea studentium physiologiae plantarum. [Spletna izd.]. 2019, vol. 10, št. 1, str. 28-32, ilustr. ISSN 1854-4193.

Conference Presentations

  • ELERSIČ, Kristian, BANJAC, Anamarija, ŽIVIN, Marko, ZOROVIĆ, Maja. Behavioral sensitization and tolerance induced by repeated treatment with ketamine enantiomers in male Wistar rats. V: FENS Forum 2024 : Vienna, Austria, from 25-29 June 2024. Vienna: FENS. 2024, 1 spletni vir (1 datoteka pdf (1 str.)), ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 207393027]
  • ELERSIČ, Kristian, ŽIVIN, Marko, ZOROVIĆ, Maja. Behavioral sensitization and tolerance induced by ketamine enantiomers in male Wistar rats. V: ČATER, Maša (ur.), KORITNIK, Blaž (ur.). SNC'23 : Sinapsa Neuroscience Conference '23 : book of abstracts : Ljubljana, Slovenia, 28-30 September 2023. 1st online ed. Ljubljana: Sinapsa, Slovenian Neuroscience Association, 2023. Str. 55. ISBN 978-961-95519-1-2. [COBISS.SI-ID 170312195]
  • BANJAC, Anamarija, ELERSIČ, Kristian, ŽIVIN, Marko, ZOROVIĆ, Maja. The individual differences in response to ketamine : an exploratory preclinical approach. V: ČATER, Maša (ur.), KORITNIK, Blaž (ur.). SNC'23 : Sinapsa Neuroscience Conference '23 : book of abstracts : Ljubljana, Slovenia, 28-30 September 2023. 1st online ed. Ljubljana: Sinapsa, Slovenian Neuroscience Association, 2023. Str. 56. ISBN 978-961-95519-1-2. [COBISS.SI-ID 170312707]

Monographs and Other Works

  • Master's Thesis: ELERSIČ, Kristian. Prispevek k razumevanju evolucije samozavedanja s primerjalno nevroznanstveno metodo : magistrsko delo : magistrski študij - 2. stopnja = On the evolution of self-awareness, comparative neuroscientific approach : M. Sc. thesis : master study programmes. Ljubljana: [K. Elersič], 2020. IX f., 71 str., ilustr.

Research Interests

  • Neuropsychiatry
  • Development of new treatment modalities for mental disorders